It’s About Time! is an initiative of Nomadic School of Arts that is broadly committed to experimentation in innovative learning environments.
It’s About Time! collects and supports the interdisciplinary projects, workshops and lectures organised during the upcoming project week by several of the programmes. It also initiates a number of workshops itself. These are all open to all students from all courses at KASK & Conservatoire. We therefore encourage all students to participate, discover and experiment outside the walls of their own studio. All projects are supervised by enthusiastic teachers from KASK & Conservatoire and artists from outside the school, often with international practice. A unique opportunity!
You can find the programme:
Person of contact:, part of the team of_Nomadic School of Arts.
All last minute announcements are to be found on: Nomadic School of Arts en #nomadicschoolofarts
(c): Giada Cicchetti, Sam De Buysere, Dimitri Nassar, Samira El Khadraoui
Date: 20-24 maart 2023
Location:Arsenaalsite, De Stadsmakers, S.M.A.K., Neermeersen/Watersportbaan, De Vloer / Atelier Installatie – Kunsttoren, Black box / Mediakunst – Kunsttoren, Vanderkeuken C-1.002, KASKCinema, Caermersklooster ‘t Pand, Centrum Gent, Dramastudio 1 en 2 – Bijloke Campus…
Joning and more information via: Samira El Khadraoui
see also:
in collaboration with: