How does the ear perceive the space around us? How can buildings be made to sing?

We will retreat for two days from the safe context of the workshop, studios and rehearsal rooms to create a composition with found materials in the brutal but resonant architecture of a building complex with an industrial past.

A site-specific composition workshop will be held on the Arsenal site under the guidance of sound artist David Helbich and teachers from the composition (creative music, conservatory) and media arts (visual arts, KASK) departments. Jointly, ad hoc sounds and instruments are first found on site and, in the sequel, a composition is developed that plays the space with simple means. Some electronic and acoustic material is provided, which can be worked with as a group. The interaction of sound and movement in relation to space is the focus of this workshop.

The whole takes place over two days. The workshop starts with an introduction, exercises and experiments. This is followed by time to develop individual or group work. The workshop concludes with a public presentation.

David Helbich studied composition and philosophy in Amsterdam and Freiburg. Since 2002, he has lived and worked in Brussels. He creates various experimental works for stage, paper, internet and public space. His trajectory moves between representational and interactive works, pieces and interventions, between conceptual work and actions. A recurring interest in his oeuvre is the notion of an audience as active individuals and the search for an opening of experiences in an artistically limited space.

(c) Giada Cicchetti & Sam De Buysere

Date: Dinsdag 21 en woensdag 22 maart

Location: Arsenaalsite

Joning and more information via: Jesse Broekman en/of Hendrik Leper

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