Update Diversity & Inclusion

The necessary objectives were also formulated in the context of diversity and inclusion (one of the main strands of the Nomadic School of Arts), including the analysis of the carrying capacity and obstacles in making arts (related) education more diverse and inclusive, the analysis of OLODs, curricula and policy domains, and the lowering of barriers through flexible(er) training provision.

Last academic year, several departments (including Communication, Human Resources and Student Affairs) participated in intervision trajectories around these themes (with, among others, Hybried vzw and Rosa vzw). Some of our buildings were also scanned for accessibility, on the one hand by students with experience, on the other by Inter.Vlaanderen.

In addition, the teachers of the educational master’s were surveyed as part of a DISCO questionnaire (Hoe lerarenopleiders omgaan met diversiteit, UGent) and we expect to map the curriculum within several courses by means of systemic design thinking (with Saskia Westerduin). Valérie Smet’s research into modular learning also contributes to this.

Additionally, several socio-artistic practices were developed within the open calls, such as the Project Week Public Space led by Elly Van Eeghem (Neermeersen/Blaarmeersen), the project Making-Connecting-Healing led by Helena De Smet and Soft Connection Lab (in Dr. Guislain Museum), the development of the pre-trajectory No Barriers for Music led by Maarten Weyler and the collaboration A School Called Tribe, organised by Senne Guns, Vincent Pierins and An De bisschop in consultation with De Koer and Graffiti vzw.

Finally, in the context of professionalisation, colleagues Leni Van Goidsenhoven and Aike Roodenburg mapped out the greatest needs and expectations of OP members in this area. This resulted in a work report and an action plan, which can serve as a source of information for further developments.

In addition, in collaboration with the diversity coordinators of School of Arts Antwerp (AP), a network was set up for Arts Colleges around diversity, equity & inclusion, which will meet twice a year (online).

Invitation intervision courses op-members

Nomadic School of Arts organises two intervision courses for OP members in the field of diversity and inclusion.

– Intervision course 1: Dealing with diversity and investing in broad basic care by Silke Daelman.
– Intervision course 2: Rethinking learning pedagogy and learning content by Yasmine Kaied.

When? Introductions in May or June, and then 5 sessions in September-December 2023 (supplemented by reflection assignments in between).

For whom? Per course, a group of 10 teachers from the various courses within KASK & Conservatorium and involved in different teaching formats (theory, practice, group, 1-on-1…). For any teacher interested in (one of) both subjects and able and willing to commit 6 times 1.5 hours.

Signing up? E-mail aike.roodenburg@hogent.be, please indicate which trajectory. Both trajectories are also followed (up) by two student and learning track counsellors.

Screening White Balls on Walls

At the start of the new academic year (October 2023), Nomadic School of Arts invites you to come and watch Sarah Vos’ documentary White Balls on Walls at KASKCinema. See the trailer.

“The Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam wants to become more inclsuive and diverse, but that doesn’t happen overnight. In White Balls on Walls, director Sarah Vos shows from the inside how new director Rein Wolfs and his team are tackling this socially delicate, urgent and uncomfortable process of change on the shop floor and within the art collection.”

WHEN: Monday the 2nd of October

TIME: The documentary starts at 7pm, lasts 1,5 hours and will be followed by an (informal) aftertalk.

SINGING UP: Is not necessary, but be on time! First come, first serve.


see also: