Micro degree Interior Design

Indeed, flexibility is key to lifelong learning: the diverse intake requires flexibility of framing, in time and space.

This project aims to develop a modular sub-course or “micro degree,” aimed at professionals or those interested in interior design (content: design, visualization, lighting, formal theory, construction,…).

Micro degrees consist of several course units that can be tailored to the student’s work and living situation. They are of interest to anyone who wants to update their knowledge, is considering the step to a higher education, or wants to learn/ keep up. The project explores a stronger connection and cooperation with the field, by looking at how organizing classes and bootcamps in companies can answer the need for cross-fertilization between education and the labor market.

This project aims to combine and extrapolate the experience within two existing pathways – HERO and AO. The micro degree can be set up as a propaedeutic for students who want to reorient and/or focus on professionalization. For students who would like to complete the bachelor’s program, a micro degree can be a low-threshold stepping stone to contact education.

Date: Semester II

Location: On-campus

Registrations and information via: Sandy De Wolf and Mieke Van de Woestyne

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