A bit excited, but mostly with a lot of enthousiasm do we look forward to projectweek I — from the 16th till the 18th of November 2022.
At least three big nomadic activities will take place! Students of jazz, pop, music production as well as EDUMA music are working for three afternoons with rappers on the project A School Called Tribe, which they will show to the public on Friday evening at 20:00 in Club Telex. Soft Connection Lab is working with Fashion and Autonomous Design students at the Dr Guislain Museum on the project Making-Connecting-Healing.
And Interior Design students (year 2) are working with some teachers on windproofing hal 8 at the Arsenal site. On Friday evening, the project week ends there with a reception from 17:30. There will be chips, drinks and lots of fun! EVERYONE is WELCOME.
Still looking for a fun activity yourself next week? Then there are two more possibilities:
1. Contact Wouter Decorte to look for material for his minor Nomadic buiding.
2. Patterns in Context, A 3-day “lab workshop” in the course of the project DWARS.
In the exciting context of the ‘front garden’ of our arts campus as an experimental space and a place to ‘make things public’, we explore and experiment hands-on with ‘patterns’ as our guiding principle. Read more here. If you would like to participate or have any questions, please email: diane.steverlynck@hogent.be / 0472 27 80 50.
Pictures by: Wouter Decorte, An De bisschop, Michiel Devijver and Soft Connection lab.
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