(NL) Met Nomadic School of Arts organiseren we enkele nomadische experimenten in de zomer en buiten de lessen. Lees gauw verder om te zien wat er de komende maanden op het programma staat en schrijf je in!
06-08 October 2023 — Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens, Sint-Martens Latem
From 06 to 08 October KASK & Conservatorium is organising an Autumn Academy at Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens (MDD) from Nomadic School of Arts. The entire museum and sculpture garden will be at the disposal of 15 students from all disciplines during that weekend.
During this Autumn Academy, the concept of collectivity will be deepened and extended by making a connection to socio-ecological issues of our time. For the duration of a long weekend, students will come together in MDD to theoretically and practically explore the question: who and what are we talking about when we say ‘we’?
The Summer Academy is led by members of It is part of an ensemble in collaboration with the performance direction of KASK & Conservatoire and Laurens Otto, curator MDD.
Register via: link.
Deadline: 30 Septembre, 11:59pm
In co-operation with Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens
Foto: It is part XXX of an ensemble (FKA Networked Collective) © Jochem van Laarhoven
04-09.09.23 — De Stadsmakers, Gent
Our relationship with materials has become detached. Too often we reach for online ordering, as opposed to using natural materials from our immediate environment for the creation process. This is what Soft Connection Lab and Nomadic School of Arts want to radically oppose. We want to encourage students to first look, experience and feel when selecting materials, before harvesting them and incorporating them into a creation.
Specifically, we want to explore, while making, how to design based on the natural and found materials available from urban wastelands and wastelands. During the Summer School, 12 (!) students will connect them through different techniques to deploy them in a wide range of design practices. Thus, we aim to revive the vanished self-reliance of past generations in a contemporary translation.
Subscriptions via mail to: softconnectionlab@gmail.com
Deadline: 15 juli, 23:59
I.s.m. Soft Connection Lab
Foto: Creatieve Woekerpraktijken © Soft Connection Lab
27.09.23 — Twee Poorten Parking, Brussel
Join us on 27 September for our post-Think Tank session to delve deeper into the world of art in public spaces. Inspired by the visionary minds of parking magnates Charlie Depauw and Claude De Clercq, who collaborated with renowned sculptor Jacques Moeschal in 1966, we will explore the integration of art in car parks and its impact on the public.
In this workshop we will brainstorm together. With max. 30 students, we will look at inspiring contemporary examples and consider how public spaces such as car parks can be used as dynamic platforms for integrating artworks.
More info, and subscribe via mail to angelique.campens@hogent.be
I.s.m. Think Tank on Experiencing Art in Public Space
Foto: Think Tank on Experiencing Art in Public Space © Michiel Devijver
see also: