What can nomadism contribute to educational development at KASK & Conservatory? That is a question we investigated under the impulse of the Voorsprongfonds* in the project the Nomadic School of Arts.
Within the framework of nomadic thinking and learning, we built up substantive, practical, methodological and infrastructural educational expertise for a year and a half. This period served as an experimentation and proof-of-concept phase according to the three pillars: 1) Off-campus education, 2) diversity and inclusiveness, and 3) modular education.
The idea was: by working and researching outside school walls – in collaboration with our own programs and other stakeholders – we broaden our own perspective, the nomadic mindset seeps through ánd we make school more accessible.
Soon you can find here our TOOLBOX in which all experiences are bundled.
The Nomadic School of Arts was shaped by Aike Roodenburg (project coordinator), Valérie Smet (research modular learning), Samira El Khadraoui (interdisciplinary project week), Leni Van Goidsenhoven (professionalization diversity and inclusion), Saskia Westerduin (systemic design thinking), Dimitri Nassar (social media) and Joris Blanckaert (project leader).
Thanks to the support of many colleagues and students, the Nomadic School became a real place of experimentation. Thanks to everyone who contributed!
* NextGenerationEU.
The project took a two-sided approach. It encouraged teachers and students to experiment nomadically with new contents and methods in art education (off)-campus. It did this by organising OPEN CALLS and developing the interdisciplinary project week It’s About Time! in March 2023.
In THIS WAS THE NOMADIC SCHOOL you will find all the projects initiated by the Nomadic School of Arts.
At the same time, the Nomadic School of Arts was exploring the institutional capacity to make higher arts education more diverse and inclusive through scans, intervision processes and professionalisation activities (rather top-down). Within this, the NSA was also exploring the possibilities of a transition to modular education, using current experiments as input.
The Nomadic School of Arts was intended for all students and teachers within KASK & Conservatory in collaboration with many surprising partners.
Off-campus activities can take place in an infinite number of locations, here are already a few. Be sure to check out our list with (potential) nomadic locations as well:
Want to know when public activities are and were taking place within the Nomadic School of Arts? Then check out this calendar!