Excursion Ambassy for the More-than-Human
Students of the minor ‘Embassy for the more-than-human’ went on a two-day trip to the Netherlands, developing their knowledge of how the non-human can inform and inspire design- and artistic processes. During this trip, they visited Radius  the center for contemporary art and ecology in Delft. The exhibition, Entangled Life explored multispecies entanglements in forest ecosystems through artists’ work. After this inspiring visit, Stroom Den Haag welcomed us with their exhibition From the Sea to the Clouds to the Soil  highlighting the symbiotic relationship between humans and nature, centering around ‘kinship’.
During lunch, Mark IJzerman  an interdisciplinary artist working on the intersection of ecology and media art, presented his artistic process. He gave insight into how he developed his ideas and detailed the steps in taking on a large creative project named Pier Pressure. At the end of the day, we visited Blue City  a hub hosting and supporting circular startups in a former tropical pool in Rotterdam. We concluded the day with a communal dinner in Rotterdam, with the following day the Dutch Design Week on the itinerary. At the Dutch Design Week multiple contributions addressed the same themes and sensibilities, in particular the BioArt Laboratories, as well as the works presented at the Graduation Show by students from Design Academy Eindhoven

see also: