We make small bib-carts (portable and/or rollable) on which books can be collected around a particular subject, which can be taken to lessons, workshops or on location. Books are collected on the trolley, but something can also be displayed on it by presenting a book or attaching an informative text. We would start with a few test copies, which can also be used immediately (also off-campus) and on which we can evaluate and anticipate: different models.
The idea of the book trolleys is not that they serve without a ‘caretaker or person in charge’, but rather as a place to collect information in and make this mobile, where people can stand or sit around it. Just as a library provides a social fabric in a location, the book cart/book trolley/book backpack will also be designed to gather around and share knowledge.
Thanks to Suzy Castermans, Peter Van de Velde, Seppe Laermans & Marte Vannieuwehuyse
(c) Rembert Deprez
Date: Academic year 2022-2023
Location: Arts library and beyond
More information via: Suzy Castermans
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